martes, 17 de junio de 2014

- story- ??¿¿

I didn't want to be here
I was alone in the dark
In the darkness of my heart

But one day someone appeared
He could see through my eyes that I wasn't happy at all,
so he could arrive to my heart
and save me from the dark

Now I can smile again
Because someone helped me one day
''Where is now that person?'', you will probably ask
and i will respond:
''He has been with me since that day.''

domingo, 8 de junio de 2014

Lo que no se ve.

Las lágrimas son transparentes,

y por eso a veces pasan desapercibidas.  

Lo transparente siempre pasa desapercibido.

Hasta que un día alguien,
lo mira detenidamente,
y se da cuenta de que
no va bien.
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